Sunday, April 5, 2020


Good morning boys!

In our last blog lesson, we learnt about the political divisions of our country India (States and Union Territories and their Capitals).

Today we will learn about the Physical Divisions of India.

At the end of the class, you will be able to :
  • appreciate the varied physical features of India.
  • list the six physical divisions of our country.
  • identify different landscapes in a picture.
  • describe the first three physical divisions.

The diverse physical features of India make it a beautiful and unique country. We feel proud to be born in such an awesome land!
If you want to find out which type of landform is in which part of India, you will have to look at a Physical Map of India.

A Physical map is designed to show the physical features and landforms of a particular area.

Now carefully look at the Physical map of India given below.

Now, look at the different colours used in the map above. 
Each colour denotes (meaning shows) a physical feature of the country.
You may be wondering what the term,'physical feature' means here.
Physical features here means the landforms, water bodies, etc which make up  the environment around us.
Most of you may have visited a mountainous region in India especially during the summer holidays. Isn't it?

Well, mountains are large areas of land which rise above the surrounding land. Exactly the way shown in the picture above. They have steep slopes, with pointed tops called, peaks. 
In India, the above landform  is found in many places but is most distinct (prominent) to the North .

  • The brown portion in the map given above shows (denotes) the Himalayas or the Northern Mountains..
  • They are the highest mountain range in the world.
  • They form the northern border of the country and have the source of many rivers in them.

 The picture below shows yet another landform. Can you guess what is it called?

Well the above picture is of a plain land or plains.
 Plains are huge stretches of flat land.

  •  Now,  look  at the green portion  of the map just below the Northern Mountains .It denotes(shows) the Northern Plains.
  • Many crops are grown in this region as the land is very fertile here.
  • The rivers which began their journey in the Northern mountains , now flow across this huge stretch of flat land, called the Northern Plains.

Now, let's move ahead. Below is a picture of a lonely place with no humans or vegetation (plants). Imagine our planet being so lonely one fine day! How scary that would be!  
Were you able to identify the landform shown below? 
  It's shows a picture of a desert! A dry, stretch of land (could    be both hot or cold) with little or no vegetation.

  • Now, look at the  yellow portion in the map.It shows the  Great Indian Desert, also known as The Thar Desert.
  • It spreads over the north-western part of India.
  • The sandy area is dry and receives little rainfall.

Now let's get ready for some homework.
    Continue doing the following questions in your notebook.

    Q5. What is a physical map?
    Q6. (a) Name the six major physical divisions of India.
           (b) Name the physical division in which your state lies. 
    Q7. Give two important features of the Northern Mountains.
    Q8. Why are the Northern Plains important for our country?
    Q9. What is The Great Indian Desert also known as?

    That's all for today boys. 
    Hope you enjoyed today's lesson.
    Take care. God bless!


    1. Good Morning Ma'am, Saatvik Chhibber 4 D

    2. Good morning ma'am
      Reuben Anish Philip

    3. Good morning maa'm Aayan Grover 4D

    4. Gd morning mam ...Harsh Priyadarshi 4 D 👍

    5. Good morning maam I am eeshan Sharma of class 4th D

    6. Good Morning Ma'am

      Thangmuanlian 4-D

    7. Good morning ma'am!
      Akshay Thomas,

    8. Good morning maam I am Armaan j0hn of class 4D

    9. Good morning mam
      Lakshya Phogat 4-D

    10. Goodmorning Ma'am. Aaron Sahani 4D

    11. Good Morning Ma'am. Sankalp shah,4-D

    12. Good morning ma'am, Ayush Joshi 4d

    13. Gd afternoon mam,Ashvin singh 4D

    14. good afternoon sir
      I am satyam kumar prajapati, class IV-D

    15. Good afternoon ma'am
      Hiren soni

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

      James Jogesh4-D

    18. Good afternoon teacher I'm Ayush Vimal 4 D
